
How do Display Image Thumbnail before Form Submit in Vich Uploader?

I'm using Vich Uploader Bundle to submit one image per form, I'd like to be able to display a thumbnail of the image before it's uploaded because as it is, the image is uploaded and nothing is shown or done to indicate that anything happened. I tried setting inject_on_load to true but this just puts the url of the image in the element that it appears.


# Vich File Uploader
    db_driver: orm

            uri_prefix:         /uploads/listings/images
            upload_destination: '%kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/listings/images'
            namer:              vich_uploader.namer_uniqid
            inject_on_load:     false
            delete_on_update:   true
            delete_on_remove:   true
            uri_prefix:         /uploads/avatars
            upload_destination: '%kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/avatars'
            namer:              vich_uploader.namer_uniqid
            inject_on_load:     false
            delete_on_update:   true
            delete_on_remove:   true

            uri_prefix:         /uploads/avatars
            upload_destination: '%kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/avatars'
            namer:              vich_uploader.namer_uniqid
            inject_on_load:     false
            delete_on_update:   true
            delete_on_remove:   true


  • Here is a simple example using jquery library :

    in your template , we suppose you are including your jquery library using for example :

    <script src="jquery.min.js"></script>

    fill the correct url to the ressource jquery in your project .

    let's create a simple js function :

    function filePreview(input) {
        if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
            var reader = new FileReader();
            reader.onload = function (e) {
                $('#uploadForm + img').remove();
                $('#uploadForm').after('<img src="''" width="450" height="300"/>');

    JavaScript FileReader is used to read the content of the file in filePreview() function

    If you want to preview all type of file, use <embed> tag instead of <img> tag.

    Place the following code in the reader.onload event and remove the existing code:

    $('#uploadForm + embed').remove();
    $('#uploadForm').after('<embed src="''" width="450" height="300">');

    Now call the filePreview() method on change the file input:

    $("#file").change(function () {

    your Html is seem something like that :

    <form method="post" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="uploadForm">
        <input type="file" name="file" id="file" />
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload"/>