Pony has the ability to pattern match on classes and also assign results in match expressions (with let ... :
), but is there a way to unpack values in match expressions? For example something like this?
actor Main
fun f(x: (Foo | Bar)): String =>
match x
| Foo(1) => "one"
| Foo(2) => "two"
| Foo(x) => x.string() // fails
The only alternative I can think of is a series of
actor Main
fun f(x: (Foo | Bar)): String =>
match x
| Foo(1) => "one"
| Foo(2) => "two"
| Bar => "Bar"
let f = x as Foo
But that doesn't read as well, especially if there are multiple possible classes to match on.
I assume you have accompanying definitions like this:
class Foo is (Equatable[Foo box] & Stringable)
var value: I32 = 1
new create(value': I32) => value = value'
fun box eq(other: Foo box): Bool => value == other.value
fun string(): String iso^ => value.string()
primitive Bar
Then you can bind names for whole values of a certain type, like this:
actor Main
fun f(x: (Foo | Bar)): String =>
match x
| Foo(1) => "one"
| Foo(2) => "two"
| let x': Foo => x'.string()
I think this is not too bad in this particular case, but it's certainly not a true destructuring bind. Pony supports such patterns only for tuples, of the form (let first: First, let second: Second)