I have a website being compatible with Edge (it was only compatible with IE before...).
The problem is, I don't understand what to do with my old showModalDialog
elements. I hoped that a simple workaround could exist, but I think it's hopeless. I need a returned value...
Here's my current code :
function openCalendar(oDate){
if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined' && oDate instanceof jQuery) {
var dateValue = oDate.val();
var color = oDate.css('color');
var dateValue = oDate.value;
var color = oDate.style.color;
var month = "";
var year = "";
if (dateValue != "" && color != "red") {
month = dateValue.substring(3,5);
year = dateValue.substring(6,10);
search = window.showModalDailog('../calendar/calendar.jsp?month='+month+'&year='+year ,null,'dialogWidth=220px;dialogHeight=220px;STATUS:NO;SCROLL:NO;help:no');
if (search != null && search != "undefined" && search != "") {
if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined' && oDate instanceof jQuery) {
oDate.css('color', "");
else {
oDate.value = search;
oDate.style.color = "";
oDate.className = "InputText";
What should I do in my situation ?
Thank you for your help.
P.S.: I have to use jQuery 1.3.2
As an alternative, You can try to use Window.Open(). You can check it, whether it solves your issue or not.
Code Example:
function ShowInformationMessage(message) {
var ie = document.all;
varl url = '../TestWeb/Error/ErrorMessages/PopInfoUI.aspx?val=' + message
window.showModalDialog(url, 'window', 'status:no; help:no; dialogWidth:400px; dialogHeight:120px');
else {
var theWin = window.open(url, 'theWin', 'width=400, height=120, status=no');