I am using Python lib deepdiff.
I Installed using cmd -> python -m pip install --trusted-host https://pypi.python.org deepdiff as I got an error with SSL I used above to cmd. When I worked in pycharm using python version35 and executed my file.
C:\Python35\python.exe C:/Users/mytry.py
{'values_changed': {"r"}}
It works in Pycharm Tools
But when I try to run the file mytry.py in cmd prompt I get =>
from deepdiff import DeepDiff
ImportError: No module named deepdiff
I m using 3.5.4 in local as well I don't know how to solve this please help!!
It worked after using the version in the command prompt.
C:\Python35\python.exe myfile.py
Output: BOTH JSON Match
Thanks all for your help.