
How to add multiple filter conditions based on incoming parameters to the Exposed DAO API ".find"

I am writing a dropwizard application using kotlin and one of the resource methods will receives multiple parameters(email, phone, is_deleted, etc). Based on the incoming query params, I have to filter the table. I am using DAO API of Exposed to construct the query.

val result = User.find { //SqlExpressionBuilder Users.isDeleted eq false Users.email eq "so@soso.com" }.sortedByDescending { it.createdAt }

How to add multiple where conditions to the query based on the map of query params using a for in loop?


  • I had to solve the problem using DSL. Seems like DAO doesn't have such provision to create such adhoc query.

    val query = Users.selectAll()
    for((k, v) in params) {
        val value = URLDecoder.decode(v, "UTF-8")
        when(value) {
            "email" -> query.andWhere { Users.email eq value }
            "phone" -> query.andWhere { Users.phone eq value }
    return query.andWhere { Users.isDeleted.eq(false) }

    As @Tapac mentioned, one can use User.wrapRows(query).sortedByDescending() also to frame such query but again one have to use DSL.

    Hope that helps someone.