
Scaling YUV420 Image using libyuv produces weird output

Possible duplicate of This question with major parts picked from here. I've tried whatever solutions were provided there, they don't work for me.


I'm capturing an image in YUV_420_888 image format returned from ARCore's frame.acquireCameraImage() method. Since I've set the camera configuration at 1920*1080 resolution, I need to scale it down to 224*224 to pass it to my tensorflow-lite implementation. I do that by using LibYuv library through the Android NDK.


Prepare the image frames

    //Figure out the source image dimensions
    int y_size = srcWidth * srcHeight;

    //Get dimensions of the desired output image
    int out_size = destWidth * destHeight;

    //Generate input frame
    i420_input_frame.width = srcWidth;
    i420_input_frame.height = srcHeight; = (uint8_t*) yuvArray;
    i420_input_frame.y =;
    i420_input_frame.u = i420_input_frame.y + y_size;
    i420_input_frame.v = i420_input_frame.u + (y_size / 4);

    //Generate output frame
    i420_output_frame.width = destWidth;
    i420_output_frame.height = destHeight; = new unsigned char[out_size * 3 / 2];
    i420_output_frame.y =;
    i420_output_frame.u = i420_output_frame.y + out_size;
    i420_output_frame.v = i420_output_frame.u + (out_size / 4);

I scale my image using Libyuv's I420Scale method

libyuv::FilterMode mode = libyuv::FilterModeEnum::kFilterBox;
jint result = libyuv::I420Scale(i420_input_frame.y, i420_input_frame.width,
                                i420_input_frame.u, i420_input_frame.width / 2,
                                i420_input_frame.v, i420_input_frame.width / 2,
                                i420_input_frame.width, i420_input_frame.height,
                                i420_output_frame.y, i420_output_frame.width,
                                i420_output_frame.u, i420_output_frame.width / 2,
                                i420_output_frame.v, i420_output_frame.width / 2,
                                i420_output_frame.width, i420_output_frame.height,

and return it to java

    //Create a new byte array to return to the caller in Java
    jbyteArray outputArray = env -> NewByteArray(out_size * 3 / 2);
    env -> SetByteArrayRegion(outputArray, 0, out_size, (jbyte*) i420_output_frame.y);
    env -> SetByteArrayRegion(outputArray, out_size, out_size / 4, (jbyte*) i420_output_frame.u);
    env -> SetByteArrayRegion(outputArray, out_size + (out_size / 4), out_size / 4, (jbyte*) i420_output_frame.v);

Actual image : enter image description here

What it looks like post scaling :

enter image description here

What it looks like if I create an Image from the i420_input_frame without scaling :

enter image description here

Since the scaling messes up the colors big time, tensorflow fails to recognize objects properly. (It recognizes properly in their sample application) What am I doing wrong to mess up the colors big time?


  • Either I was doing something wrong (Which I couldn't fix) or LibYuv does not handle colors properly while dealing with YUV images from Android.

    Refer official bug posted on Libyuv library :

    They suggested I use a method Android420ToI420() first and then I apply whatever transformations I need. I ended up using Android420ToI420() first, then Scaling, then transformation to RGB. In the end, the output was slightly better than the cup image posted above but the distorted colors were still present. I ended up using OpenCV to shrink the image and convert it to RGBA or RGB formats.

    // The camera image received is in YUV YCbCr Format at preview dimensions
    // so we will scale it down to 224x224 size using OpenCV
    // Y plane (0) non-interleaved => stride == 1; U/V plane interleaved => stride == 2
    // Refer :
    val cameraPlaneY = cameraImage.planes[0].buffer
    val cameraPlaneUV = cameraImage.planes[1].buffer
    // Create a new Mat with OpenCV. One for each plane - Y and UV
    val y_mat = Mat(cameraImage.height, cameraImage.width, CvType.CV_8UC1, cameraPlaneY)
    val uv_mat = Mat(cameraImage.height / 2, cameraImage.width / 2, CvType.CV_8UC2, cameraPlaneUV)
    var mat224 = Mat()
    var cvFrameRGBA = Mat()
    // Retrieve an RGBA frame from the produced YUV
    Imgproc.cvtColorTwoPlane(y_mat, uv_mat, cvFrameRGBA, Imgproc.COLOR_YUV2BGRA_NV21)
    //Then use this frame to retrieve all RGB channel data
    //Iterate over all pixels and retrieve information of RGB channels
      for(rows in 1 until cvFrameRGBA.rows())
          for(cols in 1 until cvFrameRGBA.cols()) {
              val imageData = cvFrameRGBA.get(rows, cols)
              // Type of Mat is 24
              // Channels is 4
              // Depth is 0