(WPF dev here, new to web apps)
In my DB, I have a field containing strings. For simplicity, let's pretend the strings denote countries. The strings contain spaces (e.g. "United States").
I need to provide a way to update that field for a given record.
I was planning on using EnumMemberAttribute [EnumMember(Value = "United States")]
to persist a string, not an int, to the DB (to prevent trouble when adding an enum item, and to facilitate readabilty - also because new records-with-strings will be inserted in batch regularly, would require casting in order to be stored as ints, and might include other options / spelling mistakes in the future).
I made an Enum, but I can't get my SelectTagHelper to select the proper item for any given record. The first item ("") is selected instead.
public enum CountryEnum
[Display(Name = "United States of America")]
[Display(Name = "Great Britain")]
My SelectTagHelper:
<select asp-for="SelectedRecord.Country" asp-items="Html.GetEnumSelectList<MyApp.Models.CountryEnum>()">
My bad: I was using the Enum in a class, but failed to declare it as such: the property was a string, not (an instance of) my Enum.
public class Employee
public string Country {get; set;}
(Morale: don't code while ill)