Change http status 503 to 200 when serving app_offline.htm for specific URL

The app_offline.htm file that ASP.NET serves returns the http status 503. This is the correct behavior for most situations. However, in the scenario where a specific URL is requested (e.g., I'd like to change the returned http status to 200, while still returning http status 503 in all other situations. Is this possible?

The reason why I want to do this is whenever we do scheduled maintenance on our website, we use the app_offline.htm file, but we don't want our uptime monitoring service ( to report downtime during our scheduled maintenance.

I assume this would have to be at the IIS level because the app_offline.htm gets served very early on in the request processing cycle.


  • Note that App_Offline is only there to take the ASP.NET part down, it has nothing to do with the IIS site. All non-ASP.NET request -like .htm- will go through the normal IIS pipeline.

    That being said, a HTTP 503 is an unavailable service error. The App_Offline.htm take the site partially offline, it is normal and correct that all ASP.NET request get a 503 response when the site is offline.

    Bypass this with a HttpModule or whatever code in the ASP.NET pipeline is not a valid solution.

    Since you'are already creating/copying the App_Offline.htm in your IIS root during maintenance, I'll suggest to add maintenance.htm as a default document for your /monitor folder or your IIS site and create/copy a maintenance.htm file in it during maintenance : then the default page will be reach whatever the ASP.NET site is offline or not.

    If your probe is calling the http://servername/monitor/ uri without any page specified, it will work.

    You just have to delete it -like you delete your App_Offline- after the maintenance.