
How to learn about KVC with swift 4.2

I'm using Xcode 10.0 with swift 4.2 to learn about Key Value Coding from "Cocoa programming for OSX"

I'm asked to create a simple class, which is a subclass of NSObject. The codes below:

import Cocoa

class Student: NSObject {
    var name: String = ""
    var gradeLevel: Int = 0

let student1 = Student()

student1.setValue("Benny", forKeyPath: "name")

student1.setValue("Benny", forKeyPath: "name")

Generates the following error message:

Execution was interrupted, reason: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0).

I've looked online and seem some issues regarding KVC such as : https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-5139

What am I doing wrong? The book was published in 2015.


  • In Swift 4 exposing code to the Objective-C runtime is no longer inferred for performance reasons.
    To avoid the crash you have to add the @objc attribute explicitly.

    @objc var name: String = ""

    But from the strong type perspective of Swift there are two better ways to get values with KVC:

    1. The #keyPath directive which uses the ObjC runtime, too, but checks the key path at compile time

      let keyPath = #keyPath(Student.name)
      student1.setValue("Benny", forKeyPath: keyPath)

      In this case you get a very descriptive compiler warning

      Argument of '#keyPath' refers to property 'name' in 'Student' that depends on '@objc' inference deprecated in Swift 4

    2. The (recommended) native way: Swift 4+ provides its own KVC pattern where subclassing NSObject is not required.
      Key paths are indicated by a leading backslash followed by the type and the property (or properties):

      class Student {
          var name: String = ""
          var gradeLevel: Int = 0
      let student1 = Student()
      student1[keyPath: \Student.name] = "Benny"