
sencha extjs run when storemanager has finished loading?

While developping an application I run some code on application launch:

    extend: 'TestApp.Application',

    name: 'TestApp',

    requires: [

    // The name of the initial view to create.
    launch: async function () {
        const store_org = Ext.getStore('Organizations');
        const store_event = Ext.getStore('Events');
        //more stuff here

Both stores are well defined:

Ext.define('', {
    extend: '',
    storeId: 'Organizations',
    alias: 'store.organizations',

    model: 'TestApp.model.Organization',
    autoLoad: true,

    pageSize: 0,

    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        url: TestApp.util.Config.getHost() + '/organization/get-organizations',
        withCredentials: true,
        reader: {
            type: 'json',
            rootProperty: '',

I do notice however that while launching the Ext.getStore() function always returns undefined for any store. Is there any way I can "delay" this to the point where the storemanager has fully loaded and these stores do no longer return undefined? (The stores themselves won't be filled with data...).


  • Just add this to the Ext.application class or to the TestApp.application (which is better)


    this is an array of all your stores,so if you need to add more just use a comma and write the class path name of the new file

    Here is a working example Fiddle