I am trying to work with a output I am receiving from a job application database, I need each account information organized into a list but I am not sure how match the applicants startdates because it starts at #1 but sometimes it's to be paired with a different number depending if the person was hired or not.
For example startdate#1 needs to be paired with name#3, and startdate#2 needs to be paired with name#4.
What I am starting with:
FirstName#1 = Joe | FirstName#2 = Michael | FirstName#3 = Harold | FirstName#4 = John | LastName#1 = Miles | LastName#2 = Gomez | LastName#3 = Hall | LastName#4 = Hancock | Hired#1 = False | Hired#2 = False | Hired#3 = True | Hired#4 = True | StartDate#1 = 10/31/2018 | StartDate#2 = 10/25/2018 |
Need to output:
[['Joe','Miles','False'], ['Michael','Gomez','False'], ['Harold','Hall','True','10/31/2018'], ['John','Hancock','True','10/25/2018']]
you may do this as below: (you may want to read about python 'exec')
import re
db_output = """FirstName#1 = Joe | FirstName#2 = Michael | FirstName#3 = Harold | FirstName#4 = John | LastName#1 = Miles | LastName#2 = Gomez | LastName#3 = Hall | LastName#4 = Hancock | Hired#1 = False | Hired#2 = False | Hired#3 = True | Hired#4 = True | StartDate#1 = 10/31/2018 | StartDate#2 = 10/25/2018 |"""
# define the keys
keys = ['FirstName', 'LastName', 'Hired', 'StartDate']
# create empty dict with name in keys
for key in keys:
exec('{} = dict()'.format(key))
# parse and build dicts
for data in db_output.split(' |'):
data = data.strip()
if data == '':
reobj = re.search('(\S+)#(\d+)\s+=(.*)', data)
if reobj:
key = reobj.group(1).strip()
num = int(reobj.group(2))
value = reobj.group(3).strip()
print key, num, value
exec('{}[num] = value'.format(key))
# get the inexes for FirstName and sort it
exec('firstname_indexes = {}.keys()'.format(keys[0]))
firstname_indexes = sorted(firstname_indexes)
# get all local variables (required due to usage 'exec')
local = locals()
# variable to collect all data
output = list()
# Start date starts with 1
startdate_track = 1
# use firstname indexes and track start date, create a tmp list and
# then append to output
for fn_index in firstname_indexes:
tmp = list()
for key in keys:
if key == 'StartDate':
if tmp[-1] == 'True':
startdate_track += 1
print output
[['Joe', 'Miles', 'False'], ['Michael', 'Gomez', 'False'], ['Harold', 'Hall', 'True', '10/31/2018'], ['John', 'Hancock', 'True', '10/25/2018']]