
Side menu with the search button on the Roku channel's home screen

I'm developing a Roku application with SceneGraph and I would like to have a side menu with the search and other buttons on the channel's home screen. I couldn't find how to implement this. Is it possible?

Thanks a lot


  • Yes it is possible by doing custom design. Left menu can be done using LabelList, proper tanslation should be given for other components in order to avoid overlapping of UI.

    I have already done in 3 channels, so it's easy to keep if you have clear idea about the element placing.


    <Rectangle color="0x000000" width="230" height="440" translation="[-10,0]" >
      <LabelList id = "categoriesLabelList" translation="[5,20]" textHorizAlign="left" itemSize="[200,40]">

    You can also hide the left menu when the indicator focus any other elements like RowList, MarkupList, Postergrid or any element. Showing and hiding should be handled in onkeyevent

    function onKeyEvent(key as String, press as Boolean) as Boolean
    end function