
Default Localization Language wrong on Apple Watch

I have an issue with Apple Watch localization: The default language is not working !

(..unsing XCode 10.0, Swift4.2, iOS12, and WatchOS4.2)

In my code, I have set English as the default language. In addition, I defined German as a localization. For those two languages, everything works fine and depending on how the iPhone-Settings are set (i.e. English or German), the Apple Watch reflects those languages.

But things turn bad if I set the iPhone language to French, for example, (and Region is set to France as well) then everything on the Watch is shown in German (instead of the default language English !!).

This must be a bug and it is very annoying to users worldwide.

Any idea on how to overcome this issue ?

See here some images illustrating the localization inside WatchKit App:

enter image description here

And here for WatchKit Extension:

enter image description here

And the info.plist entry:

enter image description here


  • I filed a radar 2 years ago which never get any update until this year's WWDC when I tracked down the engineer and complained about this issue. After WWDC they close my radar as a duplicate issue.

    Try add Localizable.strings (Base) file in Watch Extention since some developer says doing so fixed the problem.