Finding source of subcommand

I'm new to django and working on a modern django/Wagtail CMS app that is seeded using the command python loadfixtures. It seems like loaddata is the more common command, and I'm finding it incredibly difficult to find any documentation on loadfixtures at all. Could anyone point me towards the difference? It appears under the [Core] section of "available subcommands."

As an aside, I'm essentially trying to dump and seed some static page data for the site.


  • loadfixtures is not a command that exists as standard on either Django or Wagtail, so it's presumably a custom command that's been added by a developer on your project, or possibly a third-party package you have installed. See Writing custom django-admin commands for documentation on how these are created - if you have a 'core' app as part of your project, you may well find the code for the command in core/management/commands/