It kinda works, but the problem is that it seems that the MIME_PART structure is not initialized ? all it's properties has the same values, even if I try to open a different mime item.
char *pText;
WORD textLen;
if (error = NSFMimePartGetPart(bidLinksItem, &hPart)) {
goto exit;
pMime = OSLock(MIME_PART, hPart);
textLen = (pMime->wByteCount) - pMime->wHeadersLen - pMime->wBoundaryLen;
pText = (char *)pMime + sizeof(MIME_PART) + wHeadersLen;
char *itemText = (char *)malloc(textLen);
memcpy(itemText, pText, textLen);
itemText[textLen] = '\0';
The itemText string has most of the content, but since the MIME_PART structure is not properly set, the pointer to the text is off...
So how do I properly set the MIME_PART?
Your code should do something like this instead:
char *pchPart;
if (error = NSFMimePartGetPart(bidLinksItem, &hPart)) {
goto exit;
pchPart = OSLock(char, hPart);
In other words, lock the handle as type char
instead of type MIME_PART
. At this point, pchPart
points to the beginning of the raw part data -- starting with a boundary (if present) and the headers. You can use NSFMimePartGetInfoByBLOCKID
to get the length of the boundary and headers.
I realize this contradicts the documentation, but I've confirmed with a subject matter expert: The documentation is wrong.