I developed a plugin that includes an array of acceptable file extensions. Up until recent versions of Sketch, the syntax looked like:
var fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@'scss',@'less',@'css',nil];
An error is being thrown, stating: ObjC method arrayWithObjects: requires 1 argument, but JavaScript passed 4 arguments
I researched the NSArray arrayWithObjects
syntax and attempted to update my code based on the documentation:
NSString *strings[3];
strings[0] = @'scss';
strings[1] = @'less';
strings[2] = @'css';
NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:strings count:3];
No matter how I attempt to update the syntax, it throws a different error:
SyntaxError: Left hand side of operator '=' must be a reference..
Not being familiar with ObjC programming, can anyone help with the correct syntax for saving a reference fileTypes that equals three string values?
I assume you mean in a Sketch plugin or script... just use this:
var fileTypes = NSArray.arrayWithArray(['scss', 'less', 'css']);