where can I download and how to install the mcrypt extension for php 7.1 (TS,VC14) under Windows 10 / 64 bit. I need it for an akeneo project and this has dependencies using mcrypt (and not other extensions).
I haven't found the right extension dll for it. Thanks for help.
If you need this code run and it uses mcrypt I doubt if it really requires php 7.1 What might help you (however might not be recommended)
Wamp isn't ideal for custom php versions but I managed to add some "my-versions" if I did not find interesting ones on the list, you can switch versions by click on the icon at the icon try. left or right (check both ways)
check this link also
If you give up with Wamp, install Docker and run command:
docker run --rm -it php:5-apache php -r 'print_r(get_loaded_extensions());'
to check loaded extensions on php 7 with apache run
docker run --rm -it php:7-apache php -r 'print_r(get_loaded_extensions());'
to see if the php version has mcrypt installed and if not then installing it to docker image of php should't be a big deal (let know in comment if you need info bout that)
Here you have an official PHP image for Docker with description how to install extensions Dockerhub PHP image