
How to install GMP Mp on windows? (C++)

I've followed every single guide I could possibly find but to be completely honest I have no idea what some installation 'steps' even mean.

I tried installing Cygwin (and MYSY) and running the commands that the guides told me to, but the terminal either doesn't do anything or it gives me the error: 'no such file or directory'. (I changed the folder directory to where my files where)

Also I'm not entirely sure I installed everything correctly because I should've checked some add-ons during the installation right? I did as in the guide but still I maybe missed something...

Could someone please explain to me step by step how to install it saying explicitly all that has to be done, (I'm running windows 7) considering It's the first time I do such thing and I have no idea what ./configure , make and all the other commands even mean...


  • The following is a simple step by step using only cygwin tools.

    To compile C++ we need the g++ compiler; to locate the correct package to be installed the cygwin tool is cygcheck (that is installed by default), with the -p switch it interrogates the database at https://cygwin.com/packages/:

    $ cygcheck -p bin/g++
    Found 3 matches for bin/g++
    gcc-g++-7.3.0-1 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
    gcc-g++-7.3.0-2 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
    gcc-g++-7.3.0-3 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)

    so we need the gcc-g++ package.
    To install it, we run the cygwin setup, select the Full view, search the gcc-g to filter the thousands of packages and click on skip at the gcc-g++ row

    enter image description here

    after complety the installation, to verify we have it correctly installed:

    $ cygcheck -c gcc-g++
    Cygwin Package Information
    Package              Version        Status
    gcc-g++              7.3.0-3        OK

    Installing gcc-g++ will pull also the installation of the C compiler package gcc-core.
    To compile a gmp program we need the proper header and shared library; that are usually included in a "*-devel" package:

    $ cygcheck -p include/gmpxx.h
    Found 9 matches for include/gmpxx.h
    libgmp-devel-6.1.0-3p1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development) (installed binaries and support files)
    libgmp-devel-6.1.1-1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development) (installed binaries and support files)
    libgmp-devel-6.1.2-1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development)
    mingw64-i686-gmp-6.0.0a-2 - mingw64-i686-gmp: Multiple Precision arithmetic library for Win32 toolchain (installed binaries and support files)

    All the packages with mingw64 are for cross compiling and we can ignore, so it is libgmp-devel. Verifying that is properly installed

    $ cygcheck -c libgmp-devel
    Cygwin Package Information
    Package              Version        Status
    libgmp-devel         6.1.2-1        OK

    And the package content is the header files and the import libraries

    $ cygcheck -l libgmp-devel

    Now we can program one example, I am taking it from https://gmplib.org/manual/C_002b_002b-Interface-General.html and written in a file called mpz_add.cpp You can use whatever editor you want. The important is that the file follows the Unix line termination standard LF and not the Windows CR+LF (see note below if not)

    $ file mpz_add.cpp
    mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text
    $ cat mpz_add.cpp
    #include <gmpxx.h>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main (void)
      mpz_class a, b, c;
      a = 1234;
      b = "-5678";
      c = a+b;
      cout << "sum is " << c << "\n";
      cout << "absolute value is " << abs(c) << "\n";
      return 0;

    To compile our example and test it:

    $ g++ mpz_add.cpp -lgmpxx -lgmp -o  mpz_add
    $ ./mpz_add
    sum is -4444
    absolute value is 4444

    We can also verify which library are linked in the program mpz_add, I added some extra comment:

    $ cygcheck ./mpz_add
      D:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll              <= cygwin library
        C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll       <= windows system library
          C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll         ...
          C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll    ...
      D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggmp-10.dll            <= GMP C library
      D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggmpxx-4.dll           <= GMP C++ library  
        D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll     <= C library
        D:\cygwin64\bin\cygstdc++-6.dll        <= C++ library

    If the file has the wrong line termination, the best tool is d2u (Dos to Unix)

    $ cygcheck -p bin/d2u
    Found 6 matches for bin/d2u
    dos2unix-7.4.0-1 - dos2unix: Line Break Conversion
    $ file mpz_add.cpp
    mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
    $ d2u mpz_add.cpp
    dos2unix: converting file mpz_add.cpp to Unix format...
    $ file mpz_add.cpp
    mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text

    As you added also the tag makefile and autotools, the first is in the package make:

    $ cygcheck -p bin/make.exe
    Found 6 matches for bin/make.exe
    make-4.2.1-2 - make: The GNU version of the 'make' utility 

    The second is more complex and you need the packages autoconf automake and libtool,