
sql data where not exists in a table and not duplicate

its a bit tricky please focus on my requirments, I have 2 tables , I want to get data from first table where not exists in the second AND the data in first column are not duplicate for sub id and child id.

example: I have this table


id   subid     childid
1     11       77
2     22       55
3     33       66
4     11       77
7     22       55
8     33       60
9     99       98
10    33       60
11    97       98



the first thing I want is the id in tab1 doesnt exists in tab2 which will be 2,3,8,9,11 however some of those id have duplicate subid and chilid so i have to exclude them therefore I should have id 3, 9, 11

I tried this query but it returne me also 3 ,9 ,11, 8 , I dont want 8 how to fix the query ?

select *
  from tab1 a
 where not exists (select 1 from tab2 b where a.id = b.id)
 and a.sub_id in (select c.sub_id
                                from tab1 c
                                group by c.sub_id,c.evt_id
                                having count(1) = 1)


  • For multiple database vendors I think the easiest solution would be a couple of not exists queries:

    select *
    from tab1 a
    where not exists (
        select 1 
        from tab2 b 
        where a.id = b.id
    and not exists (
        select 1 
        from tab1 c 
        where c.sub_id = a.sub_id 
        and c.evt_id = a.evt_id 
        and c.id <> a.id