
Vaadin 10 and springboot - How to package a jar?

The question is simple, but I spent the last 2 days trying to deploy my app. And so far it doesn't.

I have a single CSS file for my style, and when I execute the jar, CSS is not found (404) or the jar won't package.

As stated here: Spring Boot Executable jar structure "Do not use the src/main/webapp folder if your application will be packaged as a jar" and "You should place your static resources in src/main/resources instead."

so put the CSS here: src/main/resources/styles.css

In Vaadin documentation (which is very pour on how to package...) I import the CSS like this:


Source :

Then I package my project:

 mvn clean package -Pproduction

I get this error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:11.0.0:package-for-production (default) on project importparcoursup: Execution default of goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:11.0.0:package-for-production failed: An import that ends with 'styles.css' cannot be resolved: the corresponding file 'C:\Workspace\lasteclipeandjava10\parcoursup\target\frontend\styles.css' was not found.
[ERROR] Double check the corresponding import and verify the following:
[ERROR] * the import string is correct
[ERROR] * the file imported is either present in 'frontend://' directory of the project or in one of the project WebJar dependencies or in one of the regular jar dependencies
[ERROR] * if the file is present in one of the regular jar dependencies, it should be located in META-INF/resources/frontend directory in the jar

Can someone provide a simple example of a 'springboot + Vaadin10' app packaged as a jar with static resources inside ?

I tried so many configurations (put the CSS in META-INF, include webapp resources in the maven build process...) but after 2 days, I still can't deploy my app on the server!


  • finally the solution

    css has to be here:


    then declared as:
