
Splunk: how to extract fields using regular expressions? like rex in splunk search

I want to extract Primary and StandyBy DB names from the below string which I found in my splunk search.

Jul 20 14:43:31 XXXXXXXX GuptaA GuptaA - Primary database GuptaC - (*) Physical standby database GuptaB - Physical standby database.

Jul 20 14:43:31 XXXXXXXX KumarA KumarA - Primary database KumarC - (*) Physical standby database KumarD - Physical standby database - Physical standby database KumarE - Physical standby database

Primary DB : GuptaA SecondaryDBs : GuptaC, GuptaB

I want to show a table with below details.

Primary DB StandyByDB

GuptaA GuptaC, GuptaB KumarA KumarC, KumarD, KumarE

Any suggestions using splunk search?

Thank you!


  • rex field=_raw "Primary Database (?<primary>\S+) .* standby database (?<standby>\S+)"
    | table primary standby