I'm trying to create docker image extended from a base image with some tweaks. Adding files works fine, running commands however doesn't save. I've been looking at the Dockerfile of the image I'm extending but I'm none the wiser.
My Dockerfile:
FROM openmicroscopy/apacheds:latest
ADD *.ldif /etc/ldifs/
ADD addall.sh /etc/ldifs/addall.sh
RUN /bin/bash /etc/ldifs/addall.sh
the bash script:
/run.sh &
sleep 20
for file in /etc/ldifs/*.ldif
ldapadd -v -h localhost:10389 -c -x -D uid=admin,ou=system -w secret -f "$file"
Would anyone happen to know how I can add items to the ldap and save it as an image?
This wont work, while building the image, the Server is not started. You could create bash script startet when the container is started, where you run the import.
# check if ldap import already done
# if not - import
for file in /etc/ldifs/*.ldif
ldapadd -v -h localhost:10389 -c -x -D uid=admin,ou=system -w secret -f "$file"
# if yes - don't import