
Calling a simple Soap API using Perl's Soap::Lite

I am trying to make simple API call (at least that's what I thought initially when I started ) using SOAP::Lite module. I am using one of the publicly available SOAP API here to add two numbers. I am getting following error:

Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction:

I enabled the debug in SOAP::Lite and it seems my request is not formed correctly. I suspect the type specified (xsi:type="xsd:int") in intA and intB is causing issue.

Request from debug:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soap:Envelope
    <Add xmlns="">
      <intA xsi:type="xsd:int">5</intA>
      <intB xsi:type="xsd:int">10</intB>
 </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>

Here is my Perl code:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Lite;
#use SOAP::Lite +trace => 'all';    

    SOAP::Lite->import(trace => 'debug');

    #my $uri = '';
    my $proxy = '';
    my $ns = ''; 

    my $client = SOAP::Lite

    my $param1 = SOAP::Data->name("intA" => $x);
    my $param2 = SOAP::Data->name("intB" => $y);

    my $response = $client->Add($param1,$param2);

    print "Result is $response \n";

Note: I tried loading the WSDL in SOAPUI tool and the API works fine there.


As @simbabque suggested, I tried debuging using LWP::ConsoleLogger

Header looks like this:

| Request (before sending) Header | Value                                   |
| Accept                          | text/xml, multipart/*, application/soap |
| Content-Length                  | 549                                     |
| Content-Type                    | text/xml; charset=utf-8                 |
| SOAPAction                      | ""               |
| User-Agent                      | SOAP::Lite/Perl/1.27                    |

I have no idea where # is coming from. Maybe I will try SOAP::Simple and see if it helps.



  • URI and method name (Add) are concatenated to build an http header named SOAPAction.

    URI must end with "/". SOAP::Lite merge them with "#".

    Long time ago I got the same problem. Found that .NET based webservices are disappointed to see "#" and read about this solution - from man pages - by mean of on_action handler which simply concatenates URI and method name. All this is well documented in man SOAP::Lite

    my $client = SOAP::Lite->new(
      readable => 1,
      # uri is the same as package/class name into cgi file; must end with "/"
      uri => $ns, 
      # on action corrects SOAPAction to make .NET happy. .NET dislike the '#' 
      # $_[1] will contain method name on $client->call('someMethName')
      on_action => sub { return '"'. $ns . $_[1] .'"'; },  
      # proxy is the full resource URL of aspx/php/cgi/pl wich implements method name 
      proxy => $proxy);
    # rest of your code...