In a 3x3 matrix representation, i can find the sum of both diagonals with one liners in Swift
as below,
let array = [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[-7, 8, 9]
let d1 = array.enumerated().map({ $1[$0] }).reduce(0, +)
let d2 = array.reversed().enumerated().map({ $1[$0] }).reduce(0, +)
print(d1) // prints 15
print(d2) // prints 1
I am able to find map
and reduce
equivalents in Kotlin
as flatMap
and fold
but couldn't find for enumerated
How can we achieve similar with higher order functions in Kotlin
Starting with this input:
val input: Array<Array<Int>> = arrayOf(
arrayOf(1, 2, 3),
arrayOf(4, 5, 6),
arrayOf(-7, 8, 9)
this is how I'd phrase the diagonal sums:
val mainDiagonalSum = input.indices
.map { input[it][it] }
val counterDiagonalSum = input.indices
.map { input[input.size - 1 - it][it] }
Note that this is an improvement over your solution because it doesn't have to create the reversed array. It improves the time complexity from O(n2) to O(n).
If you're dealing with large matrices, it would pay to reduce the space complexity from O(n) to O(1) as well, by using fold
instead of reduce
val mainDiagonalSum = input.indices
.fold(0) { sum, i -> sum + input[i][i] }
val counterDiagonalSum = input.indices
.fold(0) { sum, i -> sum + input[input.size - 1 - i][i] }