
Increase heap memory for 'gradle test'

I have a problem running 'gradle test' against my Spring Boot application as I see signs of GC called too many times and my tests fail likely due to delays caused by agressive GC work.

How I can tell gradle to use more heap memory allowed for JVM during test phase, or in general?


  • You can use the maxHeapSize configuration of the Test task.

    Example in Gradle/Groovy:

    test {
      minHeapSize = "128m" // initial heap size
      maxHeapSize = "512m" // maximum heap size
      jvmArgs '-XX:MaxPermSize=256m' // mem argument for the test JVM

    Or the same in Kotlin:

    withType<Test> {
      minHeapSize = "512m"
      maxHeapSize = "1024m"
      jvmArgs = listOf("-XX:MaxPermSize=512m")

    Check out the official docs for additional info.