Is there a way to configure Oracle SQL Developer to respect the TNS look up order in sqlnet.ora ?
We have all information correctly configured in TNS_ADMIN folder:
Our sqlnet.ora config TNS Look up order as:
We want the client to check LDAP first , then local tnsnames.ora as a backup in case lost LDAP connection.
But looks like Oracle SQL Developer can not use sqlnet.ora.
You either have to select TNS or LDAP explicitly.
I google around , but no one seems bother with this.
Please let me know if it is even possible with Oracle SQL Developer, if so , how ?
For SQLNet.ORA to come into play, setup a THICK connection.
Once you have your HOME established, check 'Use OCI/Thick Driver' below that.
You'll be prompted to restart sqldev.
Then make your connection.
To confirm your connection is 'thick', run this in SQL worksheet with F5:
show connection
What comes back should show :OCI in the connection URL. If you see 'thin', you haven't successfully setup the THICK driver.
Otherwise by default SQL Developer uses JDBC to connect, and SQLNet.ora never comes into play. It can still look for and find a TNSNames.ora file though.
Run this in a worksheet to see what's what with TNS