Does anyone know how I should set up my Angular project to use native mobile app linkage?
iOS: Universal Links:
Android: Digital Asset Links:
Thanks a bunch!
I found out a few things:
1.) I've placed the .well-known folder in the src folder of my angular project. The .well-known folder contains both the apple-app-site-association file for iOS apps, as well as the assetlinks.json for android apps.
2.) In the .angular-cli.json configuration, I've added the .well-known folder to the apps->assets configuration.
3.) For the deployment in the nginx.conf file, I've added:
# Used to open links in the native iOS app, if available
location = /.well-known/apple-app-site-association { }
# Used to open links in the native Android app, if available
location = /.well-known/assetlinks.json { }