
Foldable and Monoid types

I'm trying to write functions that add and multiply all elements in a list using monoids and Foldable. I've set up some code that I think works:

data Rose a = a :> [Rose a]
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Functor Rose where
    fmap f rose@(a:>b) = (f a :> map (fmap f) b) 

class Monoid a where
    mempty ::           a
    (<>)   :: a -> a -> a

instance Monoid [a] where
    mempty = []
    (<>)   = (++)

newtype Sum     a = Sum     { unSum     :: a } deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Product a = Product { unProduct :: a } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Num a => Monoid (Sum a) where
    mempty           = Sum 0
    Sum n1 <> Sum n2 = Sum (n1 + n2)

instance Num a => Monoid (Product a) where
    mempty                   = Product 1
    Product n1 <> Product n2 = Product (n1 * n2)

class Functor f => Foldable f where
    fold    :: Monoid m =>             f m -> m
    foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> f a -> m
    foldMap f a = fold (fmap f a)

instance Foldable [] where
    fold = foldr (<>) mempty

instance Foldable Rose where
    fold (a:>[]) = a <> mempty
    fold (a:>b)  = a <> (fold (map fold b))

And then after having defined the different Foldable instances and the Sum and Product types I want to define two functions that add respectively multiply the elements in a datastructure, but this gives errors which I do not know how to interpret, I must admit that I it was more guess work than actual logic so a thorough explanation of your answer would be welcome.

fsum, fproduct :: (Foldable f, Num a) => f a -> a
fsum b     = foldMap Sum b
fproduct b = foldMap Product b


Assignment3.hs:68:14: error:
    * Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ Sum a
    * In the expression: foldMap Sum b
      In an equation for `fsum': fsum b = foldMap Sum b
    * Relevant bindings include
        b :: f a (bound at Assignment3.hs:68:6)
        fsum :: f a -> a (bound at Assignment3.hs:68:1)
68 | fsum b     = foldMap Sum b
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Assignment3.hs:69:14: error:
    * Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ Product a
    * In the expression: foldMap Product b
      In an equation for `fproduct': fproduct b = foldMap Product b
    * Relevant bindings include
        b :: f a (bound at Assignment3.hs:69:10)
        fproduct :: f a -> a (bound at Assignment3.hs:69:1)
69 | fproduct b = foldMap Product b
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


  • If you use Sum (or Product) in the foldMap, you will first map the items in the Foldable to Sums (or Products). Therefore the result of fsum will - like you defined it - be a Sum a, not an a:

    fsum :: (Foldable f, Num a) => f a -> Sum a
    fsum b = foldMap Sum b

    In order to retrieve the value that is wrapped in the Sum constructor, you can fetch it with the unSum :: Sum a -> a getter:

    fsum :: (Foldable f, Num a) => f a -> a
    fsum b = unSum (foldMap Sum b)

    or after an eta-reduction:

    fsum :: (Foldable f, Num a) => f a -> a
    fsum = unSum . foldMap Sum

    The same should happen for a Product.