
Import-StartLayout does nothing for current user

Using the command as follows:

Import-StartLayout -LayoutPath "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Blank_Layout.xml" -MountPath "C:\"

Unfortunately does not change the current Start Menu layout. It creates a new file under C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\LayoutModification.xml, and it is blank.

I'm hoping that is because I intended the layout to be blank, I also had to grant permissions to that folder to run the command in the first place.

The information I used came from Technet, I do know that this can be pushed via GPO and added to an image, but that is not the intended goal for now.


  • This batch script worked for me, I'm in the process of converting it to a powershell script. Got it working but with a few errors. But the batch version worked 100% with no issues.

    It can be found here: GitHub