declare -a ForwardPort=([0]="L *:9102: # remote laptop" [1]="L *:9166: # google")
And I would like to get this output:
'ForwardPort': [
'"L *:9102: # remote laptop"',
'"L *:9166: # google"'
I tried to play a bit with shlex
, but the parsing of the array is terrible:
import shlex
line='ForwardPort=([0]="L *:9102: # remote laptop" [1]="L *:9166: # google")'
['ForwardPort', '=', '(', '[', '0', ']', '=', '"L *:9102: # remote laptop"', '[', '1', ']', '=', '"L *:9166: # google"', ')']
Is there a way to automatically parse the value of ForwardPort
into a list?
N.B.: Don't reproduce at home it was a bad design decision that lead to this convoluted problem :S
you could print that out in bash with:
declare -a ForwardPort=([0]="L *:9102: # remote laptop" [1]="L *:9166: # google")
res=$(python -c 'import json, sys; print(json.dumps({"ForwardPort": [v for v in sys.argv[1:]]}))' "${ForwardPort[@]}")
echo "$res"
{"ForwardPort": ["L *:9102: # remote laptop", "L *:9166: # google"]}
if you have that bash array definition as string in python, you could try this somewhat crude parsing:
import re
line='ForwardPort=([0]="L *:9102: # remote laptop" [1]="L *:9166: # google")'
name, arr = line.split('=(')
arr = arr[:-1] # removing the trailing ')'
lst = [item for item in re.split('\[\d+\]=', arr) if item]
dct = {name: lst}