
Rails 5.2 - Hybrid app (Active Storage + S3) active storage image url not generated on API side

I created a hybrid Rails 5.2 app with views and API controller. I am allowing users to upload files thanks to active storage and S3.

My active storage service does generate the S3 image URL in my Rails views such as shown in the logs:

Generated URL for file at key: HsBwx3LiGxmSJtDB2pu9nEiJ (https://[DOMAIN_NAME].s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/HsBwx3LiGxmSJtDB2pu9nEiJ?response-content-disposition=....

Unfortunately, on the API side, the image URL looks like this:


The idea is to consume this API in a Vue SPA.


My model is pretty simple: 1 Product model with has_one_attached :image.


I am using a serializer to present that image such as:

include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers


def image
    rails_blob_path(object.image, only_path: true) if object.image.attached?  

API Controller

In my API controller, I am rendering as json my Products such as:

def index
  @products = Product.all
  render json: @products, each_serializer: ::ProductSerializer, status: :ok


I am hosting on Heroku, all env. vars. are set. My production settings look ok:

config.active_storage.service = :amazon

Testing on Postman and in my Vue app, still getting that rails blog URL and not the amazon one.

Appreciate your feedback on what I am missing here.



  • Solved it. In my serializer, instead of:

    def image
      rails_blob_path(object.image, only_path: true) if object.image.attached?  

    I am using Active Storage service_url method such as:

    def image
      object.image.service_url if object.image.attached?