I can't update a document with Phalcon MongoCollection from Incubator 3.3 I don't get any error after save() but data are not updated.
My code is:
$category = CategoryModel::findById($id);
$category->title = 'uno';
I have also tried with incubator 3.4 and 3.2
I don't know why but after calling the singleton:
...the source collection I defined on the model constructor changes from 'myCustomCollection' to 'my_model'
I fixed it by adding some temporary code inside the _getResultSet method from app/vendor/phalcon/incubator/Library/Phalcon/Mvc/MongoCollection.php (Line 310)
$cursor->setTypeMap(['root' => get_class($base), 'document' => 'array']);
if (true === $unique) {
* Looking for only the first result.
$output = current($cursor->toArray());
return $output;