I use realm inside my React native application a try to query list of objects from realm db.
function* loadPlaces() {
let realm;
try {
const filter = yield select(getFilter);
realm = yield call(Realm.open, {schema: [PlaceSchema]});
let places = realm.objects(PlaceSchema.name);
if (filter.search) {
places = places.filtered("name CONTAINS $0", filter.search);
switch (filter.sort) {
case Sort.BY_NAME:
places = places.sorted('name');
yield put(loadPlacesSucceed(places));
} catch (e) {
} finally {
if (realm) {
After that I use resulted data in flatlist:
keyExtractor={(item) => '' + item.id}
renderItem={({item}) =>
<PlaceItem item={item} onClick={(item) => this._onItemClicked(item)}/>}/>
And receive error:
Access to invalidated Results objects.
If i remove realm.close() error disapear, but I need to close realm after query.
Why do you think you need to close Realm after a query? If you close your Realm, you lose access to all auto-updating collections, such as Results
, so you shouldn't close your Realm as long as you need access to a specific Results