
Why dropping folder onto an Applescript app displays a dialog?

I have an Applescript app that can receive files or folders dropped onto its icon:

on open theDroppedItems
    tell application "Finder"
       set droppedItemSourcePath to (the POSIX path of theDroppedItems)

At this point of the script, when my app receives a file or a folder, an unknown and useless Applescript application named "Droplet" displays an open file/folder dialog. My script was compiled as application with Script Debugger 6.

I don't understand why this strange "Droplet" app asks me something.


  • The mistake is that theDroppedItems is a list of alias specifiers even if only one file was dropped and getting the POSIX path of a list throws an error

    To get all POSIX paths of the dropped items use

    on open theDroppedItems
        set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, return}
        set droppedItemsSourcePaths to POSIX path of (theDroppedItems as text)
        set text item delimiters to TID
        display dialog droppedItemsSourcePaths buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"

    To process the files one by one use a loop

    on open theDroppedItems
        repeat with anItem in theDroppedItems
          -- do something with anItem
        end repeat

    Use a Finder tell block only if you are going to use Finder terminology.

    The mentioned Droplet is your app.