
Suppress #N/A returned by Google Sheets vlookup

I have a Google Sheet (example) with a basic vlookup to create a summable column. It returns "#N/A" for every search key not found, and attaches the following error to those cells:

Error Did not find value '' in VLOOKUP evaluation.

After much searching the only solution I found was to wrap the vlookup in an IF(ISNA()), given in How to link various Google spreadsheets using IMPORTRANGEs that contain VLOOKUP formulas without getting #N/A returned?. This works, but it really seems like I should not have to do this. Is there another way?


  • Update 2019-03-01: The best solution is now =IFNA(VLOOKUP(…), 0). See this other answer.


    You can use the following formula. It will replace any #N/A value possibly returned by VLOOKUP(…) with 0.


    How it works: This uses SUMIF() with only one value VLOOKUP(…) to sum up. So the result is that one value, but only if unequal to #N/A as per the condition argument. If the value equals #N/A however, the sum is zero. That's just how SUMIF() works: if no values match the conditions, it returns 0, not NULL, not #N/A.
