
Inserting an array of user defined types into Cassandra using gocql

I have a UDT in Cassandra and I have a table that has an array of these UDTs in its schema. Here's a sample:

CREATE TYPE keyspace.test_type(
    x float, 
    y float)

In my schema I have

 CREATE TABLE test_table(
     key text,
     test_array list<FROZEN <test_type>>,
     PRIMARY KEY (key))

Inside my go package I built a struct:

type Test_type struct{
     x float32
     y float32

Then I have a function that essentially returns a list of this test_type: []test_type, let's call it my_array.

When I try to do the insert using gocql like such:

 err := gocql.Session.Query('INSERT into test_table (key,test_array)
                             VALUES (?,?)', 'key', my_array).Exec()

I get a bunch of null values instead of my array. Essentially the test_type does not correctly map to the UDT that I created is my assumption.

Essentially my question is how do you map a struct in go to a udt such that the type is recognized properly. .


  • Per: Converting Go struct to JSON

    The problem was resolved by renaming the fields so it exports. That way gocql can see the data type x & y.

    Simply renaming xto X and y to Y. Will do the trick