I wrote some javascript that loads values of price list and currency on Quotes entity. This used to work fine in CRM Online 8.2 but since upgrade to 9.0 I have started having a weird issue.
So on OnLoad of the form the script runs and sets the values as it should. If I wait on the quote form for like 20 seconds the form auto-refreshes which I guess is a CRM functionality, but after refreshing the Price List is wiped out and I see it clears the value of my currently selected price list.
And then the user has to manually set it or refresh the page. This is my code:
function SetCurrency()
var object = new Array();
object[0] = new Object();
object[0].id = "<object_id>";
object[0].name = "US Dollar";
object[0].entityType = "transactioncurrency";
function SetPriceList() {
var object1 = new Array();
object1[0] = new Object();
object1[0].id = "<object_id>";
object1[0].name = "Default Price List";
object1[0].entityType = "pricelevel";
P.S. the whole code is the same except that I removed the actual object.id's
If you are just setting the default values, I would recommend to use Business rules.
The currency can be set in user personal options, that will make sure transactioncurrencyid
is auto populated in form load. Reference
On a side note, Xrm.Page
is deprecated in v9 and you should be looking for code change to supported executionContext.getFormContext()
. Read more