Most of the examples I've seen is using entityManager.createQuery or .createNativeQuery etc.
Is there a way to have something like the following working?
data class SummaryDto(val employeeName: String, val employerName: String)
@Query("select as employeeName, as employerName " +
"from Employer e " +
"inner join Employee emp on emp.employer_id = ", nativeQuery = true)
fun findSummaries(): List<SummaryDto>
When I ran the above code
I got this error
No converter found capable of converting from type
[$TupleConverter$TupleBackedMap] to type [dto.SummaryDto]
Can this be done with Kotlin or is there another way to get this to work with Hibernate JPA Annotation based?
Thanks Tin
For anyone that might run into the same problem. Change SummaryDto
to an interface like this
interface SummaryDto {
val employeeName: String
val employerName: String
will work.