
Typo3 Slide element translation - not able to edit

First at all, I am new to the new TYPO3. The sites version is 8.7.17 and the last version I really worked with was 6.2.x ...

I m dreadfully sorry if it is just a simple thing!

The system and the page: Website with 25 sites. Each top part of the site contains a slider. Base language is German, the second language is English.

Each site contains a slider at the top of the page. So u find a german slider element and the english copy.

Lately we d the issue, that an error occured, when trying to edit the slide img meta for the english version. I researched and found the problem in forge and on stack so no worries - 'the latest version of TYPO3 8.7.x should fix that' - answers to the questions one year ago.

So we updated our system to 8.7.17.

When I now open the english copy of the slide, there is no longer the opportunity to edit the meta.

No edit button :

Thought, that I maybe should edit the german element and just switch the language.

German element :

But when I do and try to change the language, I can just create NEW. So .. let s do this.

Create NEW :

Unfortunately when I then try to open the slide element (no matter if german or english) I get an SQL error.

SQL error :

I researched the old issue, the new create NEW issue and even the SQL issue and had tons of information, not knowing what really is helpful.

Thanks for ur help.


  • It's an issue with SQL server, not TYPO3. Here is the solution for this.

    First approach:

    mysql > SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));

    Run above command with terminal and set SQL Mode. That's it!

    Second approach:

    Hope this will help you!