I am using Symfony v4.1.*
with OneUpUploaderBundle.
I need to set unique name for each uploaded file - that works.
I have tree structure
, that contains uploaded files.
In order to manage files in the tree i have multiple properties.
Some of them are:
or .a
if directory)ItemSortValue
assures that tree branches (fields) are sorted alphabetically.
I need also to persist information about uploaded file in database. For that purpose i need to get each
complete file name
that is managed byUploadNamer
in myUploadListener
I need to save same unique file name to the database.
Yet the problem that i am facing is - i do not know and can not find just how to pass information from UploadNamer
to uploadListener
I tried to use $this->originalName
but it did not yield positive results.
How do i pass a value from UploadNamer
to UploadListener
(onPostUpload event) in Symfony v4.1
with OneUpUploaderBundle
custom namer
public function name(FileInterface $file)
$upload_file_path = $this->ultraHelpers->getUploadableFilePath();
$unique_string = $this->ultraHelpers->getUniqueString(true);
$file_name = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$file_info = $this->ultraHelpers->filterFileInfoFromFilename($file_name);
return sprintf('%s/%s_%s.%s',
example output
that corresponds to
namespace App\EventListener;
use App\UltraHelpers\UltraFileTree;
use App\UltraHelpers\UltraHelpers;
use App\UltraHelpers\UltraText;
use DateTime;
use App\Entity\FileTree;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Oneup\UploaderBundle\Event\PreUploadEvent;
use Oneup\UploaderBundle\Event\PostUploadEvent;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface;
class UploadListener
* @var EntityManagerInterface
protected $entityManager;
* @var SessionInterface
protected $session;
* @var ContainerInterface
protected $container;
* @var UltraHelpers
protected $ultraHelpers;
* @var UltraText
protected $ultraText;
* @var UltraFileTree
protected $ultraFileTree;
protected $originalName;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, SessionInterface $session, ContainerInterface $container, UltraHelpers $ultraHelpers, UltraText $ultraText, UltraFileTree $ultraFileTree)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
$this->session = $session;
$this->container = $container;
$this->ultraHelpers = $ultraHelpers;
$this->ultraText = $ultraText;
$this->ultraFileTree = $ultraFileTree;
$this->originalName = [];
public function onUpload(PreUploadEvent $event)
$file = $event->getFile();
$file_info = $this->ultraHelpers->filterFileInfoFromPath($file->getClientOriginalName());
$this->originalName = $this->ultraText->transliterateText($file_info['name']);
$response = $event->getResponse();
$message = [
'error' => 'none'
$response->addToOffset($message, array('files'));
public function onPostUpload(PostUploadEvent $event)
$now_date_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$repo_file_tree = $this->entityManager->getRepository('App:FileTree');
$repo_project = $this->entityManager->getRepository('App:Project');
$repo_whereabouts = $this->entityManager->getRepository('App:Whereabouts');
$whereabouts = $this->session->get('whereabouts');
$my_whereabouts = $repo_whereabouts->getWhereabouts($whereabouts);
// get project object
$project_obj = $repo_project->findOneBy(array('id' => $my_whereabouts['project_id']));
// get current directory object
$node_selected_obj = $repo_file_tree->findOneBy(array('id' => $my_whereabouts['node_selected_id']));
$file = $event->getFile();
$file_size = $file->getSize();
$current_file_name_parts = $this->ultraHelpers->getFileNameParts($this->originalName);
$postfix_txt = $this->ultraHelpers->getFileNamePostfixTxt($current_file_name_parts['name'], $my_whereabouts['node_selected_id']);
$file_tree = new FileTree();
$file_tree->setItemOriginalName($current_file_name_parts['name'] . $postfix_txt);
$file_tree->setItemName($current_file_name_parts['name'] . $postfix_txt);
$file_tree->setItemExtension('.'. $current_file_name_parts['extension']);
$file_tree->setItemSortValue('.'. $current_file_name_parts['extension'] .'.'. $current_file_name_parts['name'] . $postfix_txt);
$file_tree->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime($now_date_time));
// pārkārto FileTree koka zaru ievērojot jaunpievienoto failu
$file_tree_branch_node_id = $repo_file_tree->getOneFileTreeNode($my_whereabouts['node_selected_id']);
Please advise.
Thank You for your time and knowledge.
Added github issue (#348) in OneupUploaderBundle on GitHub
One can get file name from namer with $file->getPathname
in the eventListener
I had sneaky error in code block that followed, thus it led me believe there was a problem with file name...