I have created a windows form application in which there is a ListBox to display items. When I click on an item it gets selected as I have implemented lst_items_SelectedIndexChanged()
method, and values are loaded in the controls to be update. But when I change the value from the controls to update the selected index in also called and throws Index Out of Bounds -1 Exception
Here is my SelectedIndexChanged Code:
private void lst_items_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ShoppingItem myItem = new ShoppingItem();
if (lst_items.SelectedIndex > -1)
myItem = itemManager_obj.GetItem(lst_items.SelectedIndex);
txt_amount.Text = myItem.amount.ToString();
txt_description.Text = myItem.description;
cmb_units.SelectedIndex = (int)myItem.unit;
Here is my Update(change) button code:
private void btn_change_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ShoppingItem itemToChange = new ShoppingItem();
itemToChange = itemManager_obj.GetItem(lst_items.SelectedIndex);
bool success = false;
itemToChange = ReadIput(out success);
if (success)
success = itemManager_obj.ChangeItem(itemToChange,lst_items.SelectedIndex);
lst_items.Items.Insert(lst_items.SelectedIndex, itemManager_obj.ToString());
I am not sure why SelectedIndexChanged
is called on update after this line of code is executed:
Any idea how can I update without getting an exception index out of bound? Regards
Store this in an int
then do
lst_items.Items.Insert(your int, itemManager_obj.ToString());
You are getting this error because after you remove the selectedIndex
, there is no longer an item selected because that item doesn't exist.
if (success)
int indexer=lst_items.SelectedIndex;
success = itemManager_obj.ChangeItem(itemToChange,lst_items.SelectedIndex);
lst_items.Items.Insert(indexer, itemManager_obj.ToString());