I'm trying to load data with over 50 million records into Netezza using Aginity. The problem is that my data table is a sas format with extension .sas7bdat that I open on SAS Enterprise Guide. So currently I have a script that transforms the sas files into csv file that I can load into Netezza.
Is there a way that I can load these sas files directly into Netezza without having to convert it to csv? Does Aginity provide an easy method of doing this? Any help would be great, thanks!
I am not sure how can do it Netezza using Aginity but it very simple and easy in SAS enetrprise guideAs You said you have SAS eneterprise guide, please check whether you have SAS/ACCESS to Netezza. To check whether you have an SAS/ACCESS to Netezza then you can use below code in SAS enterprise guide
proc setinit; run;
If you have SAS/Access to Netezza, which probaly you may have it. To code this in SAS Enterprise guide is very easy and you can easily emulate in SAS eneterprise, by using examples shown in the link.
Byusing libname statement in your SAS enterprise guide and can use proc append or proc sql and also use bulk load as as shown in above link.