
Restore a number from several its remainders (chinese remainder theorem)

I have a long integer number, but it is stored not in decimal form, but as set of remainders.

So, I have not the N number, but set of such remainders:

r_1 = N % 2147483743
r_2 = N % 2147483713
r_3 = N % 2147483693
r_4 = N % 2147483659
r_5 = N % 2147483647
r_6 = N % 2147483629

I know, that N is less than multiplication of these primes, so chinese remainder theorem does work here ( ).

How can I restore N in decimal, if I have this 6 remainders? The wonderful will be any program to do this (C/C+GMP/C++/perl/java/bc).

For example, what minimal N can have this set of remainders:

r_1 = 1246736738 (% 2147483743)
r_2 = 748761 (% 2147483713)
r_3 = 1829651881 (% 2147483693)
r_4 = 2008266397 (% 2147483659)
r_5 = 748030137 (% 2147483647)
r_6 = 1460049539 (% 2147483629)


  • Here the code (C+GMP), based on this LGPL code by Ben Lynn blynn@github; stanford of Garner algorithm (found with RIP Google Code Search by query garner mpz_t): (Part of his The PBC (Pairing-Based Crypto) library)

    Compile with gcc -std=c99 -lgmp. Also change size for your case.

    #include <gmp.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <malloc.h>
    // Garner's Algorithm.
    // See Algorithm 14.71, Handbook of Cryptography.
    //    x - result    v residuals    m - primes   t-size of vectors
    static void CRT(mpz_t x, mpz_ptr *v, mpz_ptr *m, int t) {
      mpz_t u;
      mpz_t C[t];
      int i, j;
      for (i=1; i<t; i++) {
        mpz_set_ui(C[i], 1);
        for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
          mpz_invert(u, m[j], m[i]);
          mpz_mul(C[i], C[i], u);
          mpz_mod(C[i], C[i], m[i]);
      mpz_set(u, v[0]);
      mpz_set(x, u);
      for (i=1; i<t; i++) {
        mpz_sub(u, v[i], x);
        mpz_mul(u, u, C[i]);
        mpz_mod(u, u, m[i]);
        for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
          mpz_mul(u, u, m[j]);
        mpz_add(x, x, u);
      for (i=1; i<t; i++) mpz_clear(C[i]);
    const int size=6; // Change this please
    int main()
        mpz_t res;
        mpz_ptr t[size], p[size];
        for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { 
        for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
            unsigned long rr,pp;
            scanf("%*c%*c%*c = %lu (%% %lu)\n",&rr,&pp);
            printf("Got %lu res on mod %% %lu \n",rr,pp);
        gmp_printf("N = %Zd\n", res);

    Example is solved:

    $ ./a.out
    r_1 = 1246736738 (% 2147483743)
    r_2 = 748761 (% 2147483713)
    r_3 = 1829651881 (% 2147483693)
    r_4 = 2008266397 (% 2147483659)
    r_5 = 748030137 (% 2147483647)
    r_6 = 1460049539 (% 2147483629)
    Got 1246736738 res on mod % 2147483743 
    Got 748761 res on mod % 2147483713 
    Got 1829651881 res on mod % 2147483693 
    Got 2008266397 res on mod % 2147483659 
    Got 748030137 res on mod % 2147483647 
    Got 1460049539 res on mod % 2147483629 
    N = 703066055325632897509116263399480311

    N is 703066055325632897509116263399480311