I'm currently writing tests for all my controllers and have run into an issue I cannot solve. For one of my controllers, every test works (show, index, new, edit, update) but for some reason my #create test cannot pass. Just to clarify: all the fixtures and other methods run and pass fine - something is wrong with my create method or test on that method.
From what I can gather - the error may have something to do with the respond_to |format|
line, but cannot seem to solve it.
Here's the test:
test "should create captable" do
sign_in @user
post company_captables_url(@company, @captable), params: { captable: { company_id: @captable.company_id, name: "The BEST captable", version: @captable.version } }
assert_response :success
Here's the method from the controller:
def create
@captable = @company.captables.new(captable_params)
respond_to do |format|
if @captable.save
format.html { redirect_to [@company, @captable], notice: 'Captable was successfully created.' }
format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @captable }
format.html { render :new }
format.json { render json: @captable.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
Error when running this test:
ActionController::UnknownFormat: ActionController::UnknownFormat
app/controllers/captables_controller.rb:24:in `create'
test/controllers/captables_controller_test.rb:38:in `block in <class:CaptablesControllerTest>'
bin/rails test test/controllers/captables_controller_test.rb:36
From your controller, one can see it responds to both html and json.
However, in your test request, it's hitting the url without any format (see https://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#path-and-url-helpers, there's no .anything
at the generated urls or you'll find the .:format
ending). So the controller does not know what to respond_to, throwing the Unknown Format error.
You essentially have a few options:
1) You can actually write the url and add an explicit format
2) You can try adding the format there with concatenation (ie: post "#{company_captables_url(@company, @captable)}.json"
3) You can set your routes to have a default response format (ie: resources :captables, defaults: { format: 'json' }
). https://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#defining-defaults