I have build a Node.js built-in cluster architecture with master/worker configuration. The application is using express
to serve api and static files and it is deployed with Docker:
[D O C K E R: 8080] --- N ---> [W O R K E R: 3001 ] --- 1 ---> [M A S T E R: 3000]
I have N worker in Worker.js
and 1 master in master.js
. Master and worker share common modules, while the master has a core module that loads core services and exposes an api on PORT=3001
, a worker loads the other apis on PORT=3000
, where the Docker container has been bind. While a routing proxy on a Worker will forward requests to the Master in order to serve requests to core modules, the other requests are being server on 3000 directly.
The start script looks like
'use strict';
(function() {
/// node clustering
const cluster = require('cluster');
const numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
if (cluster.isMaster) { // master node
var masterConfig=require('./config/masterconfig.json');
// Fork workers.
var maxCPUs = process.env.WORKER_NUM || masterConfig.cluster.worker.num;
for (let i = 0; i < maxCPUs; i++) {
const worker=cluster.fork();
var MasterNode=require('./lib/master');
var master= new MasterNode(masterConfig);
.then(done=> {
console.log(`Master ${process.pid} running on ${masterConfig.pubsub.node}`);
.catch(error=> { // cannot recover from master error
console.error(`Master ${process.pid} error`,error.stack);
else if (cluster.isWorker) { // worker node
var workerConfig=require('./config/workerconfig.json');
var WorkerNode=require('./lib/worker');
var worker= new WorkerNode(workerConfig);
.then(done=> {
console.log(`Worker ${process.pid} running on ${workerConfig.pubsub.node}`);
.catch(error=> { // worker error is recoverable
console.error(`Worker ${process.pid} error`,error.stack);
I have the following question.
1) By defaults the cluster
module share the underlining HTTP connection uses a round-robin approach to serve requests - see here, where worker processes are spawned using the child_process.fork(). I do not know if I can customize this method to distributing incoming connections.
2) So far, I serve static files, templates (like pig/swig) in a express web application on each Worker on PORT=3000
, thus meaning that I run static routes for the web app on each worker instance spawned. I'm not sure if this, in terms of memory occupation is the best approach.
3) Other clustering approach. I have asked about migrating this architecture to PM2, despite it seems to promising, I'm not sure it's the best option - see here for more details.
The master should only care about starting the workers and shutting them down properly/watching out for signals from the host and responding accordingly. In my experience, I've had tricky bugs because I exposed an API on the master that should have been on a worker.
If you are planning to switch to PM2, PM2 will handle your master and you will need to move that code to the worker anyway (or at least that used to be the case)
Regarding your questions;