I have api module in Yii2 app. Before any reuqest I need to check did user send language in post or get request. If user did not send language then throw exception with 422 code.
I have module Api.php. I should configure only for this module.
Create behavior BeforeActionValidator, then create method beforeAction inside create validation rule with HttpException. Here is example:
class BeforeActionValidator extends Behavior
public $rules = [];
public function events()
return [
Controller::EVENT_BEFORE_ACTION => 'beforeAction'
public function beforeAction()
$lang = Yii::$app->request->get('lang', null)??Yii::$app->request->post('lang', null);
if ($lang == null) {
throw new HttpException(422,"lang is required");
And then attach this behavior to config file. In your module.
public function init()
'as globalAccess' => [
'class' => BeforeActionValidator::class,
If you want you can add other events. Like AFTER_REQUEST