I am new to scala and spark and have a requirement where i want to use both format and substitution in a single println statement.
Here is the code:
val results = minTempRdd.collect()
for(result <- results.sorted){
val station = result._1
val temp = result._2
println(f" StId $station Temp $temp%.2f F")
where results is an RDD having structure (stationId, Temperature).
Now i want to convert this code into one liner. I tried the following code:
val results = minTempRdd.collect()
results.foreach(x => println(" stId "+x._1+" temp = "+x._2))
It works fine, but i am not able to format the second value in tuple here.
Any suggestions, how can we achieve this?
The first way is to use curly brackets inside interpolation, which allow to pass arbitrary expressions instead of variables:
println(f" StId ${result._1} Temp ${result._2}%.2fF")
The second way is to unpack the tuple:
for ((station, temp) <- results.sorted)
println(f" StId $station Temp $temp%.2fF")
results.sorted.foreach { case (station, temp) =>
println(" stId "+x._1+" temp = "+x._2)