I'm following Hello World of Annotation Processing in Kotlin and KotlinPoet's documentation and am trying to implement a generic builder for Kotlin. I'd like to generically create a method for every field in an annotated data class and give it's argument the same name and type of the field. The problem is that I cannot find which type the field has, given the instance of javax.lang.model.element.Element
that I have. Here's what I managed that far:
.forEach {
.builder(it.toString(), String::class, KModifier.INTERNAL)
it.?) // what to use here?
How can I find the type of the field? I read in the documentation that you should use method asType()
but this return an instance of TypeMirror
. I can't really see how to continue from here. Any suggestions are welcome.
I ended up using this function:
private fun getClass(it: VariableElement): KClass<*> {
val type = it.asType()
return when (type.kind) {
TypeKind.DECLARED -> Class.forName(type.toString()).kotlin
TypeKind.BOOLEAN -> Boolean::class
TypeKind.BYTE -> Byte::class
TypeKind.SHORT -> Short::class
TypeKind.INT -> Int::class
TypeKind.LONG -> Long::class
TypeKind.CHAR -> Char::class
TypeKind.FLOAT -> Float::class
TypeKind.DOUBLE -> Double::class
else -> throw Exception("Unknown type: $type, kind: ${type.kind}")