I'm calling the following method in service from controller where no @Transnational at the top of method :
public void test1(Pageable pageable) {
Query query =entityManager.createQuery("SELECT U from User U",User.class);
List<User> users=query.getResultList();
User user=new User();
I was confused that it worked and the result is committed at the end of method , the entitymanager injected in the service with :
private EntityManager entityManager;
can anybody explains how the transaction is created on method without transnational ?
update: my bad I was using @Transactional on interface without noticing it. but how does the select query work ? when is the session created ? spring.jpa.open-in-view is disabled
Basically, it's possible when using Open Session In View / Open Entity Manager In View patterns.
Spring has Open Entity Manager In View pattern enabled by default (i.e property spring.jpa.open-in-view
is set to true
This property tells Spring to register OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor
which does the trick.
JPA doesn't enforce transactions on read operations. That's why select statement works event without @Transactional
If the user doesn't declare transaction boundaries, then each select statement will be executed in a separate transaction (autocommit mode) - that's how JDBC handles this case (i.e JDBC opens a transaction).
JDBC closes transaction immediately after the statement execution and doesn't bind this transaction to any thread.