Here's the deal: I need to extend specifica instances of the class Box with some methods. The methods i need to include live inside modules and i want the Box instance to be able to include the modules dynamically. Now i am using a hook with an eval:
class Box
def after_initialize
if self.injected_module.present?
eval("class << self; include #{self.injected_module}; end")
It is working quite well but i really feel dirty when i use eval. I'm looking for something like that:
module_to_inject = self.injected_module
self.eigenclass.class_eval do
include module_to_inject
but i'm not being able to get the eigenclass to run class_eval on without monkeypatching the class like:
class Box; def eigenclass; class << self; self; end end end
Is there a beautiful (and reliable) way for me to do this?
All you need to add methods from modules to specific instances of Box
dynamically is the Kernel#extend
box.extend MyModule
Also, because the verb "to inject" already has a meaning in Ruby from Enumerable#inject
, the best verb for describing this is "to extend".